
目前顯示的是 4月, 2015的文章

[試翻]What breakfast looks like around the world

原文網址   http://www.mnn.com/food/healthy-eating/stories/what-breakfast-looks-like-around-the-world#ixzz3X6hwOdWj What breakfast looks like around the world 世界各地的早餐是什麼樣子 The most important meal of the day sure looks different when you wake up in a new locale. 當你睜眼醒來 一天中最重要的一餐當然看起來要不一樣 What's for breakfast today? That depends on where you are. 今天早餐吃什麼 ? 這要根據你所在而定 。 Long considered the most important meal of the day, breakfast gives us the energy to make it through our daily activities — at least until lunchtime. Research says a healthy breakfast is important in the push to lose weight and sets the tone for making healthy food choices all day long. 長久以來一直被認為是一天中最重要的一餐 , 早餐給予我們一日活動之所需的活力─至少到午餐之前 。 研究指出健康的早餐是重要的減重促進 , 以及定調一整天的健康食物選擇 。 But what's on your morning plate? While we may be eating anything from cold cereal or pancakes to bacon and eggs, the rest of the world has quite different selections. Here's a look at typical breakfasts in 25 co